Zaynab is a youth mental health advocate based in the UK. Her achievements include wining 5 awards, being a TEDx speaker, a published author, and an Executive youth member at the IAYMH. A documentary was also made about her life as a child in care.She works alongside the Institute for Mental Health and the Wellcome Trust towards youth mental health research, co-producing national suicide prevention guides. She is a mental health speaker, with experience at NHS confederation mental health network, Forward Thinking Birmingham, British Medical Association and the Royal College of Psychiatry. Her lived experience of psychosis, autism and personality disorder is pivotal in her ability to be change she wants to see. Zaynab uses her lived experience to be the person to others that her past self needed. Recently, Zaynab has set up a peer support charity for autistic young people. Throughout all of these endeavours, Zaynab is a university student with aspirations to be a psychiatrist.